Test post

Bat’s View has been moved to a new hosting platform, so this is a test message to make sure everything is working as it should.

Update 2/1/2018.

Just testing again to make sure all is ok after processing a few system updates over the holidays.

Update 1/4/2019.

The migration to the new hosting platform in 2017 resulted in an unsatisfactory load time for anyone, including me, wishing to access Bat’s View. Unfortunately, work and other personal commitments meant I was unable to devote any amount of time to resolving this issue. Recently, however, the opportunity arose to investigate what could possibly be causing the lengthy page loading times. The outcome was I made the decision to transfer to a trial of a different platform with the same host.

What a difference! Pages are now loading much more quickly. It’s taken me a few days to re-create all the old posts and upload all the images, as I wanted to start from a clean slate and not bring across a possibly problematic database. The old platform caused issues when trying to upload images, or perform updates to the WordPress software or plug-ins, and quite often it was just not possible to do these things at the first attempt.

Whilst it’s early days yet, I’m very happy so far with the improved performance. I’ll continue to monitor the performance over the next couple of weeks of the trial before making the final decision, however it’s looking very much like I’ll be staying with this current platform. That being the case, I now have to think about what direction I want to take this blog.

Watch this space!

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